Top 10 tips on starting your DIY projects
Top 10 tips on starting your DIY projects
Weekends are the perfect time for DIY projects. If you're one of the fortunate ones who doesn't work weekends then this gives you lots of free time to get planning and get into action on starting your own projects. I myself love DIY projects not only is it productive but also very pleasing with the results. So here are my top 10 tips on how to get started:
1. Find something you enjoy
To me, this is the most important tip. I really enjoy working with sawn timber materials so for me, I am always looking at buying timber boards in and making quirky furniture products or bird houses etc. For you, it may be using materials, driftwood or just unused items. If you enjoy it, it'll go by so much quicker and something for you to look forward to at the end of the week.

2. Plan your projects
Planning your project is absolutely vital. Before you start try to think of exactly how you want it to look, the materials you need and how long do you think it'll take. Try not to plan too many projects at once, I've made this mistake many times and it only leads to unfinished projects.

3. Weather
May sound silly but the weather is a big part of what projects you can do. During the Summer months are the times you want to be working on your gardens. Looking at new wooden garden planters, planter beds or just making your garden look nicer by painting or using new wooden gates or timber fence panels. Then when it comes to colder and wetter months you want to start your indoor projects. Get painting your house or crafting and make the interior of your house look up to date. For example, someone I know collects loads of driftwood during summer and come winter makes loads of driftwood pieces for the interior of their house.

4. Social
For some people, DIY projects are a huge part of their social life. Making it sociable is a great way of making it fun, engaging and just something to do. You can work with your neighbour's friends or even just doing DIY projects for a charity and helping people out with a group of other people. After finishing work for the week this can be a great way to socialise on weekends. Find someone who's also free on weekends and work on projects together.
5. Photo's
Each weekend, while you're doing your project, try taking pictures of your progress. This will show you how well you're doing and can also help other people. I have my own Instagram account where all my photo's of my projects go. People are always commenting and gives the sense of community within it as well. Weekends are the best way to keep up with your photos and get posting. This is a great tip for showing you your progress.

6. Safety
When taking on a project health and safety is essential. Make sure you have the correct PPE on you, for example, helmets, gloves, dust masks or googles. The biggest causes of accidents in DIY is ladders, you must ensure your ladder is set up correctly as instructed. The last thing you want to happen on weekend is for you to end up in hospital.

7. Reusing
My favorite part of DIY is reusing old items. This is a great way to get creative and also help the environment. We chuck so much out in the modern age and some of these items can be very useful and with the right knowledge can make some fantastic items.

8. Patience
Taking on DIY projects some of them can be very long winded. It may take a lot more than one weekend the get the job done. The key is to make sure that you are willing to complete and wait for the end result. I can assure you the patience will pay off when you see the end result.
9. Research
Before taking on a project do some research on it. Have a look at what other people have done. This can give you an idea on how long it'll take, mistakes to avoid and most importantly the finished project. People also have great ideas and with the internet you can find so many new DIY ideas.

10. Commitment and Flexibility
If you're going to take on a weekend DIY project you must be committed. If you put all your effort into it the result at the end will be a lot better, plus get it done a lot quicker. DON'T commit to a project you are not going to finish as this will just be waste of time. Having said that, don't feel the need to get it all done in one weekend, there are many more weekends and can space it out or wait for a weekend you have no plans.
All in all weekends for me are the best time to get your DIY projects started, it's flexible, have lots of free time, can be very enjoyable and the end result not only will it look great but is extremely satisfying. I hope with these tips you can now go start your DIY projects over the weekends and please do share your results with us and most importantly have fun with it!
Here at Ruby we stock a wide range of timber materials, why not take a look? If you would like any more information or help with your projects please give us a call on 01409231763 or send us a message on our live chat.