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Home & Garden Blog

The Top 6 Home and Garden Bloggers 2022

The Top 6 Home and Garden Bloggers 2022

Beginning a new garden project or even updating an existing one can be an exciting but sometimes formidable task. The planning stage is just as important as the execution. It’s therefore worth taking inspiration, tips and guidance from experts to help you.  Whilst Ruby offers an impressive range of products including Decking, Cladding, Planters, Gates and Fencing, we wanted to give a shout out to our fellow Home & Garden Bloggers! There are some great people out there providing unique, innovative yet practical solutions to ensure amazing garden design. They offer a wealth of advice that can really be invaluable for transforming your outdoor space.

The list of Bloggers below has been compiled to encompass as many areas of gardening as possible. Each is an expert in their own field and it’s a by no means exhaustive list. These are just the 6 that we at Ruby feel offer fantastic tips and guidance in their different fields. We’ve listed them 1-6 which is not to represent their ranking but rather, provide you with a clear layout for an easy read. 

1. Ellen Mary Gardening

Garden Blogger

Photo Courtesy of:

Instagram: ellenmarygardening

With a real passion and love for gardening, Ellen Mary provides a fruitful insight into the world of horticulture. She studied this with the RHS Social & Therapeutic Horticulture, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Wellness Coaching. It’s through this, that in her own words, she ‘can provide holistic wellbeing guidance with plants and nature at the core’. We love this approach and after reading several of her gardening Blogs, it comes as no surprise that Ellen has been named in the top 5 women influencers in horticulture by Grow Your Own Magazine! This great achievement is one that we’re sure her Uncle has played a part in, by teaching Ellen his organic gardening tricks and tips whilst she was young.

Her early passion and commitment for holistic gardening has seen Ellen go on to become a well known figure within the gardening community. She has enjoyed many UK and USA TV appearances. Topics covered include ‘how to grow your own food’ to ‘the positive impacts gardening and plants can have on wellbeing’.  She is also a presenter on The Plant-Based podcast so be sure to check that out as well as her Blogs. We can’t recommend her enough and we are sure you will find her Blogs an interesting and informative read.  

2. Growing Family


Photo Courtesy of:

Instagram: growing_family

Another brilliant blog, aimed at providing families who have a busy schedule with practical, straightforward gardening advice. Their Blog can help you create a beautiful, versatile garden, encouraging all family members to muck in and help.   We know with the high tech age upon us, it can be difficult to get your younger ones outside and into the garden. This Blog offers a plethora of interesting and fun activities to get everyone enjoying the garden. It’s this concept of involving the whole family and bringing them together which we love. 

Catherine, the mother, seems to be the leader of her family gardening group and is the main writer of Growing family blogs. Her husband, Chris and two children Sam and Lily complete the team alongside Milo the cat who occasionally makes an appearance. Catherine’s love for gardening and enthusiasm for writing encouraged her to give up on her full-time career and marry her two passions together.  In our view, thank goodness she did!  It’s a much needed Blog that we think will provide you with an array of inspiring tips and ideas for creating gardening that the whole family joins in with and enjoys!

3. Garden Ninja

Garden Blogger

Photo Courtesy of:

Youtube: Garden Ninja: Lee Burkhill

Garden Ninja is an award-winning Blog that aims to deliver expert advice on all things gardening. Useful information on a variety of gardening topics overflows from their posts. Their knowledge and experience really does make them stand out. We think it’s one of the most informative blogs out there. We particularly like the ‘How To’ Blogs which set out in detail the complete process that is necessary to complete a particular job. They give you thorough and step by step instructions which, in our view, is invaluable. It allows all levels of gardeners to get stuck into new projects, build confidence and learn as they go along with simple, clear instructions in these Blogs.

Garden Ninja is based in the North of the UK covering areas such as Manchester, Liverpool, Southport, and Cheshire. They offer a complete garden design service. So not only do they supply value information, but they can also design or redesign your garden to your requirements.

4. The Sunday Gardener

Garden blogger

Photo Courtesy of:

Instagram: thesundaygardener

Covering the fundamentals of gardening, the Sunday gardener is a great starting point for anyone wanting to improve their gardening skills but not sure where to start! With the aim to inspire and encourage readers to become more frequent gardeners, The Sunday Gardener Blog underlines the belief that horticulture is “a great combination of the therapeutic and practical.” 

Carol, the face behind the blog, shares over 25 years of experience, knowledge and tips that cover a variety of ways to garden. From her Blogs - ‘Best Shrubs and Plants’ to ‘Plant In Dedicated Months’ or ‘How To Grow Your Own Veg’ blogs, they are packed with interesting content that is super easy to read! From novice to experienced gardeners, The Sunday Gardener will help to have your garden blossoming month in, month out in no time at all!

 5. The Frustrated Gardener

Garden Blogger

Photo Courtesy of:

Instagram: thefrustratedgardener

The standout name of this Blog really captures the reader's attention.  I think we can all relate to being frustrated at some point in the garden! These Blogs certainly do not disappoint either: Dan Cooper’s history surrounding gardening is adventurous and fascinating. It started with learning from his grandparents who now regularly feature in his Blogs. Dan’s excitement and passion developed and resulted in a first-class degree in Landscape Management. This ensures his Blogs, although easily readable and relatable, are backed up with expert understanding, fine details and a wealth of knowledge. 

Reading ‘The Frustrated Gardener’ you really do get to enjoy sharing Dan’s love and passion for all things plants and gardening! His Blogs truly inspire you to create your own personal and creative outdoor environment. A must read for anyone to reinforce that giving up is never an option!

6. Lisa Cox Garden Designs

Garden Blogger

Photo Courtesy of:

Twitter: @LisaCoxGardens

Lisa Cox Garden Designs wants to serve up to everyone, a garden space to be proud of. Her offering is a Blog and Design Service that aims to bring the feeling of home to your outside space. Through her Blogs, we think that Lisa shows a real passion for inspiring others to express their creativity within their outside environment. She also gives invaluable advice with her own design tips and tricks. We love that she not only designs a picture-perfect garden area for you but provides the opportunity for everyone to complete a personal DIY project. This ensures that even if you can’t get her to design and complete your garden project, you can use her expertise to help you do it yourself!

The range of topics covered provides a detailed insight into the personal experiences of Lisa. In our view this is very inspirational and helps others create a perfect balance between a professional yet timeless environment. Her useful series of “From The Drawing Board” includes a step-by-step process of Lisa’s projects starting from the first design ideas all the way to the finished product. A must for anyone needing clear and concise, helpful advice.

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