Ruby UK's Timber Packaging
Here at Ruby we take our environmental policy very seriously. We've now gone the extra mile to make all the materials we use to wrap our timber 100% recyclable, down to the last bit of tape.
For years we have been wrapping all our timber by hand but at last, low and behold we now have a wrapping machine! (Have a look at video below on how a similar machine to ours runs). A much more efficient and time saving way to wrap our timber! The quicker we wrap the timber, the quicker we get it to you!
All sawn timber and cladding goes through the machine, not only saving time but making it is more secure in transit. Of course, the wrap we use for the machine is also 100% recyclable.
We didn't stop there either: Now with the wrapping machine we are using cardboard and recyclable bubble wrap to protect the timber! Cardboard is being used to wrap all our gates as well as the claddings and sawn timbers. We even try to reuse all the boxed cardboard that gets delivered to us.
One of the biggest changes in our wrapping is the change of tape we use. Previously we have gone for using a tape that was admittedly cheap but also not recyclable. The tape we now use is a paper tape, 100% of which can be recycled and so much better for the environment.

Now that you have a better idea of our environmental policy; we hope you chose to do your part and recycle our packaging with us. Also, we are always looking to continually improve and welcome any and all suggestions that you might have!